Sunday, September 14, 2008

Lunch Time

We thought these pictures were so funny. We decided to have a quiet day yesterday, since we have not just sat home on a Saturday for as long as I can remember. The boys were loving life as they sat and watched just about every football game there was on T.V. Carson suggested that we have hot dogs, as if we were at a real game, so we barbecued the hot dogs and made lots of other yummy things to eat. The boys also thought it was a good idea that they put Abby in one of their soccer jerseys and also top off the outfit with a Jazz hat. (The funny thing is that she actually kept the hat on for easily a half hour.) During one of the games Landon left for a moment to go get something and when he returned, he found Abby helping herself to his lunch!


T said...

I am soo glad my daughter in law is able to chow down on hot dogs, I think that is what Jax is made of! I love the pic where she is shoving her face!!!! Tell the boys good job on getting her dressed for the occasion!

Unknown said...

Kim! I read your comment and started laughing and crying at the same time! I was crying because i really do miss those days of no worries - just playing with you guys! laughing, because it took me awhile to figure out what "becuter" was - i totally remember!!! He remembers Carson, in fact his scrapbook from his first year of life has him and Carson on every page! He loves to look through it!
Come visit me!!!!!! I miss you!!!